SH-36S-PC not working on Windows 7 or Windows 10 PC


I have an SH-36S-PC and can't get it to work on a Windows 7 or Windows 10 PC.  What can I do?


The SH-36S-PC is an obsolete product and the firmware has been removed from our website.  Please request that we send the firmware  It will be sent via WeTransfer, as the email servers will block it.  You will get a notification from WeTransfer when the file is ready, and you will have seven days to download it.
If you are installing on a Windows 7 machine, click the following link and watch the YouTube video instructions.  It begins with going to our website to download the file but you can skip that part as you will have already downloaded it from WeTransfer.  Skip forward to about the 35 second mark of the video where Step 1 has you Open or Save 7002A145-9, (it is actually going to be 7002A145-10)
If you are installing on a Windows 10 machine, you will need to bypass the signed driver requirement.  Instructions to do this are attached.  These instructions also direct you to go to the video but will tell you to skip the beginning portion and jump to the 35 or 40 second mark.

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