Where can I find peak power specifications on my load or attenuator?


If you are looking for pulsed peak power ratings then you can refer to the following article: https://birdrf.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360041502834-Pulse-Power-Ratings-for-Bird-Loads
Our engineering team is in the process of adding peak power info into non-pulsed attenuator and load drawings to make this information more accessible to our customers. If you require an immediate answer, the guidance to follow for understanding peak power capability, use the following guidelines:
-          Attenuators (50W and above):  2.5kW peak / pulse < 1ms / duty cycle not to exceed average rated power
-          Attenuators (5W to 25W):  100W peak / pulse < 1ms / duty cycle not to exceed average rated power
-          Terminations (10W and above):  2.5kW peak / pulse < 1ms / duty cycle not to exceed average rated power
-          Terminations (5W and below with H021 chips):  100W peak / pulse < 1ms / duty cycle not to exceed average rated power.

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