What can I use to set up my unit if the Finder software tool does not locate my BPME?


This is a known issue, and while some users may get the Finder software to launch they just get a blue screen with the heading "Bird Antenna & Cable Monitor Web Tool". 

To work around this, we offer the ACMI_BPME_DesktopJavaUI_v1.3.45b.msi installer (attached to this FAQ). Using this will require you to install the Java Runtime Engine v7 which you can get from our Discontinued Product Software landing page. (Note: JRE v8 works as well.)

Launching that BPME-ACMi desktop app will pop up a window with an "Enter IP to Connect" field. Because the BPME is shipped from the factory with DHCP enabled by default, you will need a means to find out what IP address your unit gets configured with. 

One way to accomplish this is using the "arp -a" command. When you issue this at a Windows command prompt, a list of IP and physical addresses will be displayed for all accessible network-connected devices.


To determine your BPME's address, start with the unit disconnected from the network for up to 10 seconds, issue the "arp -a" command, then copy the output contents to a file. 

Next, connect the BPME to the network and wait for up to 10 seconds, issue the "arp -a" command, then copy the output contents to a separate file. 

Use a file comparison tool to check for the differences between the two files - the IP address for the BPME should be one of the results (if not the only one). 

You can also automate the save of the "arp -a" outputs to file and the comparison of files using a batch file that contains the following commands:

arp -a > check_01.txt
arp -a > check_02.txt

echo N|comp check_01.txt check_02.txt /a



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